Dry Eye Treatment


Dry eye is one of the most common conditions causing blurry vision and discomfort. The cause of dry eyes can vary from patient to patient. for some, it is caused by decreased tear production, while others have increased tear evaporation or an imbalance in the tear makeup (water, oil and mucus layers). common causes of dry eyes include: aging, medical conditions (diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus, SJOGREN’S), laser eye surgery, ENVIRONMENTal factors, and decreased blink rate due to computer work or reading.

Dry eye symptoms include burning, tearing, redness, foreign body sensation, and blurry vision. These symptoms may significantly impact quality of life and should not be accepted. There are a variety of treatment options available including: artificial tears, ointments, omega-3 supplements, Punctal Occlusion, and prescription eye drops.

to start treatment or to learn more please contact the office.